lundi, octobre 24, 2005

hey joe...

I took a glance at my telly, on wednesday night and Arte happened to broadcast some very interesting stuff about Joe McCarthy. Actually, they showed the filmed records of him being interviewed by the Senate Comission, prior to his censorship. He was surrounded by a crowd of journalists and cross-examined by the senators. The room was packed with people, mumbling, grumbling and -oh my-smoking! Can you imagine anybody, not only in the States but even here in France, sitting in a court room with a pack of cigarettes in front of him?

Anyway, the most exciting part was of course the last episode of Mc Carthy's hearing, when the senators just leave the room and let him babble in the microphone, blaming everybody and his dog for being creeping communists. I saw him crumble before my very eyes. Then, they showed his last public speech a few months after and it was pathetic. He was grinning with no reason and stuttering. It was a broken man, eaten away by his heavy drinking. I sort of pitied him but then I thought of the Rozenbergs and thought to hell with it, the bastard really had it coming.

I read somewhere on a lefty blog that one day, American people will censor Bush the way they censored McCarthy. But McCarthy, had just FOUR years of power, before being felled!!!! I, unfortunately, believe that Bush will stay until the end, no matter hurricanes or casualties in Iraq.


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